Audio book is in ACX Quality Control and other…
Today, I approved the audio files from my narrator and sent it to ACX quality control for review. In theory, it should be complete in 30 business days, but I’m hearing it may take longer. So, I am expecting to release it in February.
Work on Death’s Arbiter, book one continues as I have sent the first ten chapters to my editor for review. I participate in a writer’s critique group and they have gone through the first eighteen chapters. They’ve done a great job on helping me fill out the book. I’m excited about this book and look forward to publishing it. I am tentatively aiming for a late February release.
Book four of the Modern Warlock is in-progress and I’m a few chapters into it. I am shooting for a July/August release date but will know more in a couple of months.
I want to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my readers.